A pronoun is a word that is used at the place of a noun. It is used to avoid repetition of noun.

Pronouns are generally classified into Nine (9)

1)Personal Pronoun

2) Reflexive Pronoun 

3) Emphatic Pronoun

4)Demonstrative Pronoun 

5)Indefinite  Pronoun 

 6)Distributive Pronoun

7)Relative Pronoun

8) Interrogative Pronoun

9) Exclamatory Pronoun

Personal Pronoun 

Personal pronoun Stands for the three persons.ie First Person ,Second person and third person.

GenderNumberSub/Nomi casePossAdjObj, AccuCasePossPronnounsRefLexiveEmphatic

Cases of Pronoun

a)Nominative case: ( प्रथमा विभक्ति )  कर्त्याची विभक्ति प्रथमा असते . क्रियापदापूर्वी कोणतेही सर्वनाम वापरायचे झाल्यास ते प्रथमा विभक्तीतच असते.Here pronoun is used as a subject.ex – I, we, you, he, She, they

b)Accusative case :- द्वितीया विभक्ती या विभक्ति ला प्रत्यय असते . कर्माची विभक्ति नेहमी द्वितीयाच असते . क्रियापद, शब्दयोगी अव्यय , let नंतर येणारे सर्वनाम द्वितीयतेच असते . Here pronoun is used as an object. ex- Rahul hates her.

c)Possessive case: ( स्वामित्व दर्शक विशेषण) स्वामित्वदर्शक विशेषण हे फक्त नामापूर्वीच वापरले जाते . नामाशिवाय ते वापरले जात नाही .Here pronoun is used to show ownership or relationship. ex-mine ours, yours,his, hers, theirs.

2) Reflexive Pronoun

The pronoun is used when  the subject perborm action on itself. The subject works as the object also.

ex- Ram ruined himself.

3) Emphatic Pronoun: This pronoun has the same form as that of the reflexive pronoun

It is used to add emphasis to a given statement It is generally used before the verb and near to the subject.

ex- I myself witnessed this incident.

      He himself wrote the story.

himself / herselfThemselves

4) Demonstrative Pronoun:

It is used to indicate any noun .This, that, these and those are demonstrative Pronoun.


5)Indefinite Pronoun

 It is used to denote person or things in a general way.

ex- All, some, few, everyone, everybody, nobody, many none

All were killed.

Some of the oranges are bad.

6) Distributive Pronoun.

It is used to denote person or things one at a time. (used in a singular)

ex- Each, either, neither.

Each of these Pups  belongs to its master.

Either of these cars belongs to  Ram.

Neither of you is trust -worthy.

7) Relative pronoun

Relative pronouns are used to join together two sentences Relative pronouns in English are who, whom , whose, which, what that.


  1. The girl lost a ring . It was made of gold.

-> The girl lost a ring which was made of gold.

2) The police caught a thief . He was breaking into a house.

-> The police caught a thief who was breaking into a house.

Note 1 –> The relative pronoun who had different forms for accusative and Genetive.

Nominative – Who


Accusative – whose

Note-2- The relative pronoun That is often used for who, whom or which.

ex-l) This is the car that (which ) Johny bought.

  1. The girls that ( = whom ) the prime minister praised were very much pleased.

8)  Interrogative Pronoun

The relative pronouns who, whom, whose, which and what , when they are used to ask questions are called Interrogative Pronouns.

ex- 1) Whose is that pen?

    2)What is the matter?

    3) Who is that lady? 

     4) Which is your car ?

      5) Whom did you see ?

Note: The interrogative pronouns whose which and what can also be used as interrogative adjectives.

ex- Whose car is that?

       Which pen will you take.

9) Exclamatory Pronoun.

An exclamatory pronoun is a pronoun u used in exclamation.

What! can’t you not him? 

What! won’t they come?

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