Textual Grammar On Saying Please (MCQ)

1)He not only declined to comply with the instruction but hold the passenger out of the lift .(Use as well as)

a) He declined to comply with the instruction as well as hurled the passnger out of the lift.

b)He declined to comply with the instruction hurled the passnger as well as out of the lift.

c)He as well as declined to comply with the instruction hurled the passnger out of the lift.

d) He declined to comply with the instruction hurled the passnger out of the lift as well as

Ans :-a )He declined to comply with the instruction as well as hurled the passnger out of the lift.

2) We must admit that the law is reasonable. (Make it negative without changing meaning )

a)We do not admit that the law is reasonable.

b) We must not deny that the law is reasonable.

C )We should not admit that the law is reasonable.

d)We not admit that the law is reasonable.

Ans :- b)We must not deny that the law is reasonable.

3) It will permit me to retaliate with reasonable violence .(Change the voice)

a) It will permitted me to retaliate with reasonable violence.

b)I will be permitted to retaliate it with reasonable violence .

c) It will permit me to retaliate with reasonable violence . 

d) To retaliate with reasonable violence will be permitted me by It.

Ans :- b)I will be permitted to retaliate it with reasonable violence .

4) It does not excuse assault and battery .(Change the voice)

a) Assault and battery is not excused.

b) Assault and battery was not excused.

c) Assault and battery were not excused.

d) Assault and battery are not excused.

Ans :- d) Assault and battery are not excused.

5) The law does not compel me to say please. (Rewrite as an interrogative or rhetorical sentence)

a) Doesn’t the law compel me to say please? 

b)Does the law compel me to say please?

c)Does the law compel me to say please.

d) Do the law compel me to say please?

Ans :- b)Does the law compel me to say please?

6) It was a question of please.( Add question tag)

a) It was a question of please, wasn’t it?

b) It was a question of please, was it? 

c)It was a question of please, isn’t it?

d) It was a question of please, is it?

Ans a) It was a question of please, wasn’t it?

7) He himself had been henpecked at breakfast by his wife. ( change the voice ) ( make active)

a)At breakfast by his wife had henpeckked him.

b) At breakfast his wife had henpeckked him.

c)He himself had henpecked at breakfast by his wife.

d)At breakfast his wife had henpeck him.

Ans-b)At breakfast his wife had henpeckked him.

8) The law can not become the guardian our private manners.(change into rhetorical question) 

a)Can’t the law become the guardian of our private manners ?

b)Can the law become the guardian of our private manners ?

c ) Could the law become the guardian of our private manners ?

d) Could’t the law become the guardian of our private manners ?

Ans :-b) Can the law become the guardian of our private manners ?

9) Bad manners probably do more to poison the stream of the general life than all the crimes in the calender.(Change the degree of comparison)

a)All the crimes in the calendar do poison the stream of general life as much as the bad manners probably do.

b) All the crimes in the calendar do not poison the stream of general life much the bad manners probably do.

c) All the crimes in the calendar do not poison the stream of general life as much as the bad manners probably do.

d ) All the crimes in the calendar poison the stream of general life as much as the bad manners probably do.

Ans: c)All the crimes in the calendar do not poison the stream of general life as much as the bad manners probably do.

10) Sir Anthony Absolute bullied captain Absolute.(Frame a wh question to get the underlined part as an answer) 

a)Who bullied Sir Anthony Absolute ?

b) Whom bullied Sir Anthony Absolute ?

c) How bullied Sir Anthony Absolute ?

d) What bullied Sir Anthony Absolute ?

Ans:a)Who bullied Sir Anthony Absolute ?        

11) It was a question of please.(Make rhetorical question)

a ) Was it a question of please?

b) Wasn’t it a question of please?

c) Weren’t it a question of please?

d) Isn’t it a question of please.

Ans :- b)Wasn’t it a question of please?

12) There is no allowances for moral and intellectual damages in these matters.(use as well as)’

a)There is allowances for moral as well as intellectual damages in these matters.

b ) There is no allowances for moral as well as intellectual damages in these matters.

c)There is no allowances for moral intellectual damages in these matters as well as.

d)There is no allowances for moral intellectual as well as damages in these matters.

Ans :-b ) There is no allowances for moral as well as intellectual damages in these matters.

13) The pain of a Kick on the Shins soon passes away but the pain of a wound to our self – respect or our vanity may poison a whole day. (use – Though)

a) The pain of a kick on the shins soon passes away though the pain of a wound to our selt – respect or our vanity may poison a whole day.

b)Though the pain of a kick on the shins soon passes away ,the pain of a wound to our selt – respect or our vanity may poison a whole day.

c) Though the pain of a wound to our self – respect or our vanity may poison a whole day, the pain of a kick on the shins soon passes away .

d)Though the pain of a kick on the shins soon passes away but the pain of a wound to our selt – respect or our vanity may poison a whole day.

Ans- b)Though the pain of a kick on the shins soon passes away ,the pain of a wound to our selt – respect or our vanity may poison a whole day.

14) The pain of a wound to self- respect ______ poison a whole day. (Use proper auxiliary and state its function.)

a) may


c) should


Ans- a) May – probability , possibilitywill >> may >> might->won’t

15) For there are few things more catching than .bad temper. ( Write the part of speech of the underlined word)

a) noun

b) infinitive


d) present participle

Ans: – catching -> c) Gerund

16) There is a social practice much older and much more sacred than any law which enjoins us to be civil . ( use not only – but also 

a)There is a social practice much older not only more sacred but also than any law which enjoins us to be civil.

b )There is a social practice much older but also more sacred than any law which enjoins us to be civil.

c)There is a social practice not only much older but also more sacred than any law which enjoins us to be civil.

d) There is a social practice much older not only but also more sacred than any law which enjoins us to be civil.

Ans : C) There is a social practice not only much older but also more sacred than any law which enjoins us to be civil.

17) Most people will have a certain sympathy with him. (Rewrite using the verb form of the underlined word)

a) Sympathy


c) sympatheticSympathy :-> Noun

Ans 🙂 Verb-> Sympathize Most people sympathize with him.

18) Here and there you will meet an unpleasant sepecimen who regards the passenger as his natural enemies.(Replace the verb in the future there with a modal auxiliary showing possibility )

a ) may

b ) will

c) might

d) can

Ans :- a) mayAns :-Here and there you may meet an unpleasant sepecimen who regards the passenger as his natural enemies.

19) He could have got legal redress. (use able to)(Use be able to )

a) be able to

b)were able to

c) was able to

d) is able to 

Ans-( can- is, am , are) (could- was , were)

Ans :-C)He was able to have got legal redress.He was able to get legal redress.

20) I know that stale old trick. (Rewrite begining that stale old trick…..)

a) That Stale old trick is known to me. 

b)That Stale old trick was known to me.

c)that Stale old trick are known to me.

d)That Stale old trick are known to me.

Ans:- a) That Stale old trick is known to me.

22) I said it was a very kind of him . (Identity the clause)

a)I said – main clause           

b) it was a very kind of him. Main clause           

c) it was a very kind of him -subordinate clause             

d) I said -subordinate clause
Ans:- I said – main clauseIt was very kind of him- Subordinate Clause

23) ‘0 h’ I’ll book you through “ he replied. (Change into indirect speech):

a)He said that he would book me through .

b)He said that I will book me through.

c ) told that he will book me through.

d) told that I would book me through.

Ans: a)He said that he would book me through .

24) I jumped on to a bus and found that I had left home without any money. ( use no sooner – than)

a)No sooner I jumped on to a bus and found that I had left home without any money.

b)No sooner do I jumped on to a bus and found that I had left home without any money.

c)No sooner did I jump on to a bus than I found that I had left home without any money.

d) No sooner did I jumped on to a bus and found that I had left home without any money.
Ans: c)No sooner did I jump on to a bus than I found that I had left home without any money.

25) Everyone has had the experience.( Indentity the tense)

a) Simple present tense.

b) Past perfect tense

c) Present perfect continuous tense

d) Present perfect tense.
Ans : c)present perfect tense.

26) “Where do you want to go?’ he asked me. (Change into narration):-

a)He asked me where I wanted to go.

b)He asked me where I want to go.

c) He asked me that where I wanted to go.

d) He asked me where he wanted to go.
Ans:-a) He asked me where I wanted to go.

27) It do not intend to suggest a rebuke to conductors generally. (use Intention)

a )It is not my intention to suggest a rebuke to conductors generally .

b)It is not my intented to suggest a rebuke to conductors generally

c ) It is my intention to suggest a rebuke to conductors generally .

d)It is my intented to suggest a rebuke to conductors generally
Ans: a) It is not my intention to suggest a rebuke to conductors generally.

28) It not only makes things pleasant for the travelling public but also perform an important social service. ( Remove not only – but also )

a)It makes things pleasant for the travelling public but also perform an important social service.

b) It makes things pleasant also for the travelling public perform an important social service.

c) ) It makes things pleasant for the travelling public as well as perform an important social service.

d) ) It makes things pleasant for the travelling public perform an important social service.

Ans :- c) It makes things pleasant for the travelling public as well as perform an important social service.

29) You are annoyed because you look like a fool at the best and like a knave at the worst.(use not only-but also)

a)You are annoyed because you look like not only a fool at the best but also a knave at the worst.

b)You are not only annoyed because you look like a fool at the best but also a knave at the worst.

c ) Not only You are annoyed because you look like a fool at the best but also a knave at the worst.

d)You are annoyed because you look like not only but also a fool at the best a knave at the worst.

Ans :- a)You are annoyed because you look like not only a fool at the best but also a knave at the worst.

30) But that fact did not lessen the glow pleasure which so good natured an action had given me. (make affirmative sentence..)   

a) But that fact not to lessen the glow of pleasure which so good natured an action had given me.

b)But that fact fail to lessen the glow of pleasure which so good natured an action had given me.

c ) But that fact did not to lessen the glow of pleasure which so good natured an action had given me.

d) But that fact failed to lessen the glow of pleasure which so good natured an action had given me.

Ans :- d)But that fact failed to lessen the glow of pleasure which so good natured an action had given me.

31):- He had hurt me but he was so nice about it that I assured him he hadn’t.(Make complex)

a)Though he had hurt me, he was so nice about it that I assured him he hadn’t.

b)Though he had hurt me but he was so nice about it that I assured him he hadn’t.

c) He had hurt me though he was so nice about it that I assured him he hadn’t.

d) He had hurt me and he was so nice about it that I assured him he hadn’t.

Ans :- a)Though he had hurt me, he was so nice about it that I assured him he hadn’t.

32) He seemed to have an inexhaustible fund of patience and a gift for making his passenger’s comfortable.(use not only – but also)

a)He seemed to have not only an inexhaustible fund of patience but a gift for making his passengers comfortable.

b) He seemed not only to have an inexhaustible fund of patience but also a gift for making his passengers comfortable.

c)He seemed to have an inexhaustible fund of patience not only but also a gift for making his passengers comfortable.

d) He seemed to have not only an inexhaustible fund of patience but also a gift for making his passengers comfortable. 

Ans: d)He seemed to have not only an inexhaustible fund of patience but also a gift for making his passengers comfortable.

33) The polite man may lose the material advantage but he always has the spiritual victory. ( Rewrite begining with Though)

a)Though the polite man may lose the material advantage ,he always has the spiritual victory.

b) The polite man may lose the material advantage though he always has the spiritual victory.

c) The polite man may lose the material advantage but he always has the spiritual victory.

d)The polite man may lose the material advantage,the polite man may lose the material advantage. 

Ans:-a) Though the polite man may lose the material advantage ,he always has the spiritual victory.

34) We must get those civlities back if we are to make life kindly and tolerable for each other . (use Unless)unless = If-not

a)Unless we are to make life kindly and tolerable for each other, we must get those civilities back.

b) Unless we are to make life kindly and tolerable for each other, we must not get those civilities back.

c) We are to make life kindly and tolerable for each other unless we must not get those civilities back.

d) Unless we are to make life kindly and tolerable for each other, we not get those civilities back.

Ans :-b) Unless we are to make life kindly and tolerable for each other, we must not get those civilities back.

35) We infect the world with our ill-humours.( Change into present perfect continuous tense)

a)We are infecting the world with our ill-humours.

b ) We have been infect the world with our ill-humours.

c ) We have infected the world with our ill-humours.

d)We have been infecting the world with our ill-humours.

Ans:- S + AV(has / have) been+V+ing+0.

Ans :d) We have been infecting the world with our ill- humours.

36) If we encounter incivility most of us are apt to become uncivil. (USe -Unless)

a)Unless we encounter incivility most of us are apt to become uncivil.

b) We encounter incivility most of Unless we are not apt to become uncivil.

c )Unless we are not encounter incivility most of us are not apt to become uncivil. 

d) Unless we encounter incivility most of us are not apt to become uncivil.

Ans:- d)Unless we encounter incivility most of us are not apt to become uncivil.

37) His gaity was a sound investment.(Make it exclamatory sentence)

a)How sound investment his gaitywas !

b) What sound investment his gaity was !

c) What a sound investment his gaitywas !

d) How a sound investment his gaitywas !

Ans:c) What a sound investment his gaitywas !

38) We must get those civilities back.(Rewrite showing advice)

a) We can get those civilities back.

b) We should get those civilities back.

c) We might get those civilities back.

d)We won’t get those civilities back.

Ans -Advice = should

Ans:b) We should get those civilities back.

39) If I am physically assaulted, it will permit me to retaliate.(use- unless)

a) Unless I am physically assaulted, it will permit me to retaliate.

b) Unless I am not physically assaulted, it will permit me to retaliate.

c) Unless I am physically assaulted, it will not permit me to retaliate.

d) I am physically assaulted,Unless it will not permit me to retaliate

Ans :- c) Unless I am physically assaulted, it will not permit me to retaliate.

40)The public owes much to the underground Railway company.( Frame a wh question to get the underlined part as an answer)

a)Who does the public owe much to ?

b)Whom the public owe much to ?

c)Whom do  the public owe much to ?

d)What does  the public owe much to ?

Ans: a)Whom does  the public owe much to ?

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