TIME 2.30 hrs          MARKS 50

————————————————Read the extract and complete the activities given below(12)

Punctually at midday he opened his bag and spread out his professional equipment, Which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells, a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic Charts on it, a notebook, and a bundle of Palmyra writing. His forehead was

Resplendent (glorious) with sacred ash and vermilion, and his eyes sparkled with a sharp abnormal gleam (shine) which was really an outcome of a continual searching look for customers, but which his simple clients took to be a prophetic light and felt

Comforted. The power of his eyes was considerably enhanced by their position placed as they were between the painted forehead and the dark whiskers (mustaches) which streamed down his cheeks: even a half-wit’s eyes would sparkle in such a setting. To crown the effect he wound a saffron-coloured turban around his head. This colour scheme never failed. People were attracted to him as bees are attracted to cosmos or Dahlia stalks. He sat under the boughs of a spreading tamarind tree which flanked a path running through the Town Hall Park. It was a remarkable place in many ways. A surging crowd was always moving up and down this narrow road from morning till night. A variety of trades and occupations was represented all along its way : medicine sellers, sellers of stolen hardware and junk, magicians, and above all, an auctioneer of cheap cloth, who created enough din all day to attract the whole town. Next to him in vociferousness came a vendor of fried groundnut, who gave his ware a fancy name each day, calling it “Bombay Ice Cream” one day and on the next “Delhi Almond,” and on the third “Raja’s Delicacy,” and so on and so forth, and people

Flocked to him. A considerable portion of this crowd dallied before the astrologer too. The astrologer transacted his business by the light of a flare which crackled and smoked up above the groundnut heap nearby. Half the enchantment of the place was

due to the fact that it did not have the benefit of municipal lighting. The place was lit up by shop lights. One or two had hissing gaslights, some had naked flares stuck on poles, some were lit up by old cycle lamps, and one or two, like the astrologer, managed without lights of their own. It was a bewildering crisscross of light rays and moving shadows. This suited the astrologer very well, for the simple reason that he

had not in the least intended to be an astrologer when he began life; and he knew no more of what was going to happen to others than he knew what was going to happen to himself next minute. He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent

Customers. Yet he said things which pleased and astonished everyone: that was more a matter of study, practice, and shrewd guesswork. All the same, it was as much an honest man’s labour as any other, and he deserved the wages he carried home at the

end of a day.

A1. State if the given statements are True or False (2)

 1)The astrologer used to have the preparation of his business in quite in quite professional way.

Ans :-True

2)The physical appearance of the astrologer hardly created an impact on the customers.


3)The place was busy with a variety of occupations.


4).The astrologer’s style of handling the business lies in his skills.


A2. Complete the given web. (2)

Ans :-1a dozen cowrie shells

2)a square piece of cloth with obscure mystic Charts on it

3) a notebook, and a bundle of Palmyra writing. 

4)His forehead was resplendent (glorious) with sacred ash and vermilion.

A3. The astrologer was a shrewd judge of a character. Explain with some details from the extract.(2)

Ans :- When he began his life as an astrologer he knew nothing sort of things about  the future of others,He was as much a stranger to the stars as were his innocent customer.

A4. We need to understand even the smallest details of the business in order to succeed. Write your views. (2)

Ans:-Doing a business is not an easy task if you are not interested in business. If you start business you know every minute details of the situation and demand of the market as well as the minuest requirement of the customers and their psychology.

A5. Do as directed.(2)

1) It was a remarkable place in many ways.

(Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as an exclamatory sentence) 1

 1)It was a remarkable place in many ways!

 2)How a remarkable place in many ways it was!

3)What a remarkable place in many ways it was!

4)What remarkable in many ways the place it was!

Ans :-)What a remarkable place in many ways it was!

2) He spread out his professional equipment, which consisted of a dozen cowrie shells.

(Choose correct alternative to rewrite the given sentence as a compound


1)He spread out his professional equipment but it consisted of a dozen cowrie shells

 2)He spread out his professional equipment and it consisted of a dozen cowrie shells.

3)He spread out his professional equipment that it consisted of a dozen cowrie shells.

4)He spread out his professional equipment and it had consisted of a dozen cowrie shells.

Ans:-2)He spread out his professional equipment and it consisted of a dozen cowrie shells.

A6. Find the synonyms for the following words from the passage. (2)

a. Confusing

b. Hanging around

c. Difficult to understand

d. Magical effect

Ans a) confusing=bewildering

     b) Hanging around=dallied. 

      c) Difficult to understand=obscure

       d) Magical effect= enchantment

 B)Do as directed 4

1)Use appropriate Articles

      Covid is one of _______ most hazardous diseases witnessed by __________world. (1)

Ans :-Covid is one of the most hazardous diseases witnessed by the world. 

Choose correct alternative to make the given sentence negative.

1)Sunita is the most loyal employee of our firm.

a. Suita is not the most disloyal employee of our firm.

b. Suita is the most not disloyal employee of our firm.

c. No other employee of our firm is as loyal as Sunita.

    d). No other employee of our firm is the most loyal as Sunita

 Ans :-No other employee of our firm is as loyal as Sunita.

2 )As soon as he entered the room, he noticed the unusual presence. (1)

a. As soon as he entered the room, he did not miss the unusual presence.

b. As soon as he entered the room, he unnoticed the unusual presence.

c. No sooner did he entered the room than he noticed the unusual presence.

d. No sooner did he enter the room than he noticed the unusual presence. 

Ans:-No sooner did he enter the room than he noticed the unusual presence

1b) 3- Spot the error (1)

 (1) I and he want to see movie .

Ans – I and he 

Correct:-He and I want to see movie.


(A)     Read the given extract and complete the activities given below:(10)

Afoot and light-hearted I take to the open road,

Healthy, free, the world before me,

The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,

Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,

Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,

Strong and content I travel the open road.

The earth, that is sufficient,

I do not want the constellations any nearer,

I know they are very well where they are,

I know they suffice for those who belong to them.

(Still here I carry my old delicious burdens,

I carry them, men and women, I carry them with me wherever I go,

I swear it is impossible for me to get rid of them,

I am fill’d with them, and I will fill them in return.)

By ‘old delicious burdens’ the poet means-.    (2)

(a)                   The luggage

(b)                   The food he carries

(c)                     the stress he bears during the travels

(d)                   Sweet memories of the past.

aAns:-Sweet memories of the past.

A2  Find out whether the following statement true or false.(2)

     a)Walking along the road though he does not know where it reaches.


 b)Complaining about the discomforts during the journey.


c) Postponing the journey


d) praying for good fortune.

Ans :-False

A3 Find out the figure of speech from the following lines-.   (2)

Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,

Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,

Ans :-Repitition because words are repeated.

A4 Express your own views regarding the following line. (2)

‘Song of the open road’

Ans:- Everybody has a right to decide his future, destiny but he hesitates due to circumstance. He advices and suggests to choose the journey of life.

A5 Compose four lines on ‘Journey of life’. By using rhyming word. (2)

Ans: I am born to lead my life

         Childhood gives me                       cheers of Skies

         Adulthood shows me                   cares of life

        Above all maturity

       decides me to realize.

Q 2 b- With the help of the following points, write a poetic appreciation of the (4)

poem ‘Indian Weavers’

• About the poem / poet and the title

Ans :- The name of he poem is Indian Weavers , it is written by poetess Sarojini Naidu. It is about three stages of human life.

The theme 

The theme of the poem is the they stages of human life and garments represents the stages.

Poetic style

It is written in three stanzas , second line of each stanza asks the question and answer is given on the   fourth line of each stanza .

The language/ poetic devices used in the poem

Language of the poem is very simple, the poetic devices the poetess used following figure of Speech Simile, Imagery, Metaphor, Alliteration. repitition.

Special features

The Sound of W occures a total of 20 times , at least once in all lines excepts one. Question occures every 2nd line of stanza.

• Message, values, morals in the poem

The poetess had shown three stages with three suitable colour which matches life.

Your opinion about the poem

life is colourful everyone has to enjoy life with its colour

Writing skills


1Virtual Message

Imagine, you are not well and will not be able to attend lectures at college. Draft a message in about 100/150 words to convey the same to your teacher. Give your own reasons to support your message.



7:00 AM

Respected Sir/Madam,

Owing to illness I am unable to attend my college lectures for four days . Doctor advised me to take rest and suggest me to follow precautions of Covid 19.

Yours Faithfully,



 Statement of Purpose (5)

You have great thirst for knowledge in a foreign language of your own choice. You are also prepared to peruse your education abroad for the same. You are therefore seeking a university for a degree in a foreign language of your choice. Prepare a ‘statement of purpose’ in about 100 to 150 words, which will help you to get admission to this University.


I called to my friend who lives in Odisha . Due to some reasons he didn’t pick up the phone but I heard a ringtone on that language that increased the curiosity in my mind to learn a different language.

I have been fascinated with English language since my childhood. I have been living in rural area so I didn’t get exposure to learn English language . From 5 th class I have been shifted to city and get admission English medium school. I am trying to learn language with keen interest.

I have passion for Badminton from 5th class. In Game there were always a tough position when you and your opponent reach at the same time on the match point. Both were struggling to win the match. That difficult position taught you to struggle for anything to win the situation. That developed in me the quality to tackle the situation fearlessly.

I have my blog on and video on YouTube. I have my personal web site where I taught the students small skills. I have planted so many trees.

I earnestly hope that an exposure to an academic atmosphere will flower my desire to learn English language fluently and give me chance to build my career in future.


Group discussion(5)

 that you have participated in the inter-college group discussion contest on the occasion of National Youth Day. There were three other contenders with you in the final round of the contest and the topic of the discussion was ‘Paper Books are better than the E-Books’. Write the same discussion in the form of dialogues that you have experienced. Write suitable dialogues for each participant giving his/her opinion on the given topic.

Ans :

Sharad : My dear friends really the topic is very interesting we know that today everybody has a smartphone and access to internet so they can easily download pdf copy of e-books, which are either free or cheap r than paper books in the market.

Ram : I agree with Sharad because the need of you can be easily satisfy with e-books.

Ajay: I agree with both of you because there is no need for anybody to purchase books for Small but important content of the books. So it is time saving and cheaper than any paper book

Sonu : I do not agree with you.. because you cannot read ebooks for a longer time on a degital devices because illumination of screen light

Pintoo: I agree with Sonu’s point of view because it increases screen time and it will definitely increases physical problem of eyes and neck .

 Evaluator: Its really a good discussion but due to limitation time can somebody conclude it.

Vikas: Really we enjoyed the discussion, we know that e-books are easily available and cheaper than paper books it is also a time savers also. At the same time we cannot ingore the fact that due to more time on screen may cause eyes and neck problems.

So taking consideration of both points importance and value of both are great, we should use according to availability and content of matter.

Evaluator: Thank you my dear friends for sharing your valuable views and time.

Q 3 b Attempt any one of the following ;

 E-mail (5)

Imagine you are in-charge of a social organization and you want to organize a “Cleanliness Campaign” at a rural place. Draft an E-mail in a proper format to be sent to concerned authorities asking for the necessary permission. Give all details specifying the scope and importance of this event.

Ans :

From : [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Sub: Permission for organisation of “Cleanliness Campaign”

Respected Sir,

We are the NGOs running the organisation ,”Save Nation” want to organize a ,”Cleanliness Campaign”,

in Talodhi village on 2nd October at 6:30 am. Schedule of the programme is to clean the roads from Bus Stand to Shivaji chawk. You are requested to grant the permission for our cleanliness Drive and it would be followed by the Speech of great dignitaries .

Your permission and co-operation would be a great inspiration for us to run programme.

Yours Sincerely,



 Report writing (5)

Write a report on an “ Independence Day” which was celebrated in your junior college , Write a report in about 100-150 words .

Ans : –

Independence Day M. F. Jr. College

Talodhi, Aug 16, Reporter.

Independence day celebrated with great gusto in M. F. Jr. College. Flag hoisting was done by Mr T. V. Gedam, President of Kalyan Education charitable Trust at 7:30 am. The National Anthem was played by the college band while everyone stood respectfully to attention.

The chief guest Spoke about our duties as citizens of Republic of India.

Flag hoisting was followed by various cultural programme such as patriotic songs, Patriotic dance and Speech competition.

Students of M. F. Jr College and other students took part in various programmes arranged by college.



Interview Imagine, you have to conduct an interview of a distinguished personality in the field of entertainment. With the help of the given table and points draft questions on the given fields associated with the personality. (Do not change the sequence of the questions)

Name of the interviewee

(distinguished personality)

Area of Success/Reputation


Duration of Interview


Question based on

1. Inspiration

2. Preparation

3. Development

Ans :-Name of the interviewee


(distinguished personality)

Amir Khan

Area of Success/Reputation

Film Actor


29th November 2021

Duration of Interview

30 min


Question based on

1. Inspiration

Who is your inspiration in this field?

2. Preparation

What are the preparation you make to achieve this position?

3. Development

You got a very high position today,How do you make this development?

Q 3C Attempt any one of the following –

Speech (5)

Imagine that as a part of the Republic Day celebrations, your college has organized an elocution competition. Prepare a speech in about 120 words on: My Idea of India as a Developed Country.

Ans :-

Respected Sir and my dear friends,

Today we gather here for elocution competition for the topic of My Idea of India as a devloped country .

 Today India is celebrating 75 th year of independence. India has made a great progress in every field. But on the basis of caste and religion there is discrimination and that has made us to diminish the progress. So equality must bring in every field.

When we look at the developed country we see the basic difference is lies in education. The outlet of vocational education should be given from primary level. So that when everybody contribute in economy naturally it develops.

So my dear friends everybody should make contribution to make India as a developed country.


Compering (5)

Imagine, you are given an opportunity to compere a programme organized at your college with reference to ‘Yoga Day’. As a compere, draft the whole programme script deciding the flow of the overall programme. You may take help of the given hints: 

– prayer/welcome song, introduction

felicitation, yoga demonstration

presidential address vote of thanks

any other important points



Good morning to all of you my dear participants, today we gather here for Yoga Day. I extent a very warm and heartfelt welcome to you on behalf of our college.


 On the tradition of Indian way I request you to do the prayer before starting of our Yoga Demostration.

Welcome Song

On this auspicious occasion I request the students of my college to sing a welcome Song to welcome our Guest

Lighting of the lamp

 I call upon our chairperson President of Patanjali Sanstha of Talodhi to light the lamp to signify the opening of the event


I call the Principal of our college to welcome the guest by giving bouquet to the honourable guest .

Yoga Demonstration

I called Mr Rohan the trainer of the Yoga programme to demonstrate the Yoga activities.

Presidential Address

After beautiful completion of activities of yoga training, I request the president the programme to tell their valuable words on the importance of Yoga for our health.

Vote of Thanks

No programme would be successful without the dedicated effort of the team. For this purpose I request my friend to present vote of thanks.


Expansion of idea (5)

Expand the following idea with the help of the points given below. Write your answer in

about 100 to 120 words. ‘The wise man has long years and short tongue’.


Expansion of ideas

The Wise Man Has A Long Ears And A Short Tongue

The wise man has long ears and short tongue

Generally it is a human tendancy to indulge into the others affair and to spread rumours or engaged in gossip .

For most of the people gossip is very intersting and they try to make it tastier but on the other hand wise people do not paid any attention to gossips or rumours. They are interested in truth and give their opinion only when there is necessary.

But the situation in todays world is very depressing ,media or politicians always trying to mislead or bypass the situation from the truth. Now it is our duty to realise and know the truth and form the real opinion-as you know ,” The wise man has a long ears and short tongue”

Q 3D

Review (5)

Write a review of the film that you remember you’ve watched and can’t forget easily. Give Details about the movie using following supporting points.

✓ Title of the film.

✓ The star cast and production house (if you remember).

✓ The gist of the plot.

✓ The reason you like the film.

✓ Your favourite scene from the movie.

✓ Your opinion and recommendation




The star cast and production house (if you remember).

Rajkummar Rao and Kriti Kharbanda | full movie shaadi mein zaroor aanal new south movie 2021 in hindi. Director: Ratnaa Sinha Starring: Rajkummar Rao; Kriti Kharbanda Music by: Songs: Anand Raj Anand, JAM8; Arko Pravo Mukherjee; Zain-Sam-Raees; Rashid Khan.


Rajkummar Rao and Kriti Kharbanda full movie shaadi mein zaroor aana new south movie 2021 hindi .Satyendra and Aarti meet for an arranged marriage and end up falling in love with each other. Their lives, however, change completely when she runs away on their wedding day.

 The reason you like the film.

Aarti runs on his wedding day when she got an appointment letter . This shows the importance of carrier in the womans life.


My favourite scence in this movie is that when Aarti runs from her wedding Ceromony.


I like this movie because it gives importance to existence of life. The movie is without 

a flow.


Blog. (5)

Write a ‘Blog’ in a proper format on ‘Cycling – A better way to Commute’, with the help

Of the following points. (100-150 words)

 Choice of bike

 Safety equipment

 Road safety rules

 Benefits .

‘Cycling – A better way to Commute’


Choice of Bike

In a previous era the way of communication after walking for a single individual is cycling .With the invention of cycle mode of transport for man becomes easier and most of the men prefer to go from one place to another is cycling. India this is upto the invention of automobile two-wheeler.

Safety equipment

It is the safest means of transport communication. It is useful for exercises. When men prefer cycle at that time they are free from diseases like B.P. and sugar. It is found that the accident ration of cycling is very few rather that any automotive vehicle.

 Road safety rules

 People should use Safety rules while riding cycle It is also necessary for other vehicle drivers also to minimises the accidents.


It is the cheapest means of traveling. It saves petrol, diesel and other energy. It does the exercise which keeps man healthy. Man may keep himself free from B.P. and Sugar diseases.


 Appeal. (5)

Prepare an ‘Appeal’ on the topic ‘Avoid Fast Food’ with the help of the following points.

(100-150 words)

 Attraction of Fast-Food items.

 Effects on body and mind.

 Ways of avoiding the fast food.

 Options for fast food.

 Appeal to society.


 Fear of Obesity

                  B .P



          Must get rid from

               Fast Food

           It taste yummy, delicious,tempts to eat more and more………

But it gives invitation to so many diseases and makes you habit to eat more and more

 How can you get rid from it?

* Eat healthy food.

* Eat Salad and green vegetables

* Eat healthy full diet which gives you vitamins and proteins.

Eat healthy… ………………Stay Fit

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