1) He used the small broom hurriedly and carelessly. (Frame a Wh-question to get ‘an object’ as answer)

Ans :- How did he use small broom?

 2) He had a bundle of freshly pressed clothes. (Frame a Wh-question to get underlined part as answer)

Ans: What had he had  ?

3) Don’t raise such dust. (Begin the sentence by ‘Let….’)

 Ans: Let such dust not to be raised ?

4) They are still refusing to pay you. (Identify the non-finite verb)

Ans: – to pay

5) “I don’t wish to talk about it”, complained the sweeper-boy. (Change it into indirect speech )

Ans: The sweeper boy complained that he didn’t wish to talk about it.

6) I haven’t even received my regular pay. (Add a tail tag)

Ans: – I haven’t even received my regular pay, have I ?

7)Who would think a bank would hold up a poor man’s salary? (Make the sentence assertive)

Ans: No one would think a bank would hold up a poor man’s salary.

8)He can start from next month. (Use ‘be able to’ and rewrite the sentence)

Ans:  He is able to start from next month.

9)Large shady tamarind tree grew at one end of the bazaar.(Frame a Wh-question to get underlined part as answer)

Ans: Where did large shady tamarind tree grow?

10)Mrs. Bhushan was fanning herself with a large handkerchief.

( choose the correct tense)

  Ans :- Past continuous tense

a) simple past tense

b) past continuous tense

c) past perfect tense

d) present continuous tense

11)I heard a complaint from their sweeper. (Change it into ‘simple present tense’)

Ans: I hear a complaint from their sweeper.

12) Don’t start grumbling. (Pick out the gerund)

Ans :- grumbling

13) I have been looking for you for almost an hour. (Identify the tense)

Ans:  Present perfect continuous tense.

14)You go from one shop to another. (Add a tail tag)

Ans: You go from one shop to another, don’t you ?

15) I might have found you. (Identify the modal auxiliary and write what it indicates)

Ans :- might have – less probability

16) Deep Chand who was cutting the hair of an elderly gentleman was startled.(Identify the clauses)

Main clause:-_______________

Ans: Deep Chand

Subordinate clause :-__________________

Ans: who was cutting the hair of an elderly gentleman was startled.

17) He had been squatting on the pavement for years.(Change into present perfect continuous tense)

18) The Seth was not at home. (Add a tail tag)

Ans: The Seth was not at home, was he?

19) The bird has flown. (Change it into ‘simple future tense)

Ans: The bird will flow.

20)The imminent cash of the Pipalnager Bank set everyone talking and speculating and rushing in a frenzy. (Pick out the gerunds)

Ans: talking and speculating and rushing

21) The elderly gentleman did not believe it. (Make it affirmative sentence)

Ans: The elderly gentleman disbelieved it.

22) Emergency funds could only be obtained from another bank. (Begin the sentence by They could…)


23) He  could persuade the crowd to wait until then. (Pick out the non-finite verbs)

 Match the following columns with appropriate tail tag

Sr noColumn AColumn B
1They gathered outside,a)will you?
2Give us our money,b) don’t we?
3We want it now,c)did he?
4He did not have an account,d) didn’t they?

24) Give us our money. (Change the voice )

25)He is hiding in a safe deposit locker.

(Frame a Wh-question to get underlined part as answer)

26) He declared that the bank had plenty of money.

(Identify the clauses and name them)

27) He urged them to go home and come back the next day. (Pick a pair of opposite

28) Complete the following table of irregular verbs:


29) He waved cheerfully. (Pick out the adverb)

30. As soon as I get my money, I am off. (Use No sooner……than)

Ans:-No sooner do I get money than I am off.

31) “Don’t raise such dust,” he called out to Nathu (change into indirect naration.)

Ans :-He asked Nathu not to raise so many dust.

32) She  gave instructions to ayah.(Begin with the aaya and change the voice)

Ans:-The aaya was given instructions by her.

33) Sitaram hoisted his bag on his shoulders and went is way .(Begin with Hosting)

Ans:-Hosting his bag on his shoulders Sitaram went his way.

34) They are not giving him his pay and he wants to live .(Rewrite using because)

Ans:-He  wants to leave because they are not giving him his pay.

35)He said , “ I know of a sweeper who is looking for work.” (Change the narration)

Ans :-He told that he knew of a sweeper  who was looking for work.

36) It was here that Mrs Srivastava found her friend Mrs  Bhushan (Make simple sentence)

Ans :-Mrs Srivastava founder friend Mrs Bhushan here.

37) She left Mrs Srivastava at the tamarind tree (Frame WH question to get underline part as an answer)

Ans -Where did she leave Mrs Srivastava ?

38)The Pipalnagar  bank is about to close.(Use will and rewrite)

Ans :-The Pipalnagar bank will close.

39) Deepchand was cutt the hair of an elderly gentleman. He was so startled. (join with who)

Ans :-Deepchand,who was cutting the hair of an elde gentleman was so started.

40) I  hear they have stopped paying employees .(write down verb form of the sentence .)

Ans :- hear (V 1),have  stopped V3, paying -gerund.

41) Seth was not at home .(Add question tag)

Ans:-Seth  was not at home,was he?

42) The customer yelped  with pain.(pass continuous tense)

Ans:-The customer was yelping with pain.

43) He had never been known to walk. (Use simple past tense.)

Ans:-He was never know to walk.

44) Definitely it means a collapps.( Turn into a question form)

Ans:-Doesn’t it mean a collapse?

45)The elderly gentleman did not believe it.

Ans:-The elderly gentleman is disbelieved it .

46) Others  speculated on the reasons for the crash.( Frame WH question to get underlined part as an answer)

Ans :- What did others speculated on?

47) Men stood in  groups at the street corners discussing the situation .( Use  and to make it a compound sentence)

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